
It’s Sam from SB Creatives Photography here:

I am starting a tradition which is posting a summary and blog post about 203, These photos are so special to me every single year. It’s one of my favorite ways to reflect on the last 365 days, and to curate the work that I’m the most PROUD of after an entire year of shooting. The last two years have been weird as photographers amidst the pandemic…and it can be easy to get so caught up in the “busy” that I forget to actually be excited about the work I’m doing in the moment. 

It’s also so easy to forget some of the beautiful sessions or events I captured all the way back in January or February…I uncovered some favorite images that I forgot I even took this year!! These “best of” images will be shared in this amazing blog post. 

Today I’ll be sharing my favorite photos images from the entire year of 2023. Some of these are my favorite because they are technically beautiful. Some are in this post because they were really hard to shoot in the moment (HELLOOOOO crazy lighting, and insane weather)…or maybe I just feel like I truly captured the JOY of the event, family or headshot session. 

These images will consist of Bar Mitzvahs, Bat Mitzvahs, Corporate events, Social events, Religious festival parties, family shoots, headshot sessions and photos that I have taken of major clients which I have had the pleasure working with over the past year. It’s the longest of the “best of” posts…but with good reason!! That’s why I saved it for last! Enjoy scrolling through!